Happy New Year!!! I hope you all had a fabulous holiday eating good food and relaxing with great friends and family. I have been busy trying to get all of my Christmas decor packed up & organized, my family back into a routine after the long break, and making big plans for the blog for 2019! ( It still sounds so crazy to say that!)
Top Five Posts for 2018 for Diamonds or Pearls
I decided to take a look back on my top five posts for 2018 and share them with you. Your favorites were home decor, DIY, and recipes!
1. 20 Beautiful Planter Ideas

2. The Easy Way to Make Pleated Curtains using Clip Rings

3. My Entryway Makeover

4. How to make a Lined Curtain Panel

5. Santa Fe Soup

I look forward to a New Year with new projects & surprises! Please let me know if there is anything you would like to see on Diamonds or Pearls! I value your input!

If you don’t follow me on Instagram, where I share more day to day pictures and videos, you can do so HERE.